Transforming jobs with AI: Google’s Approach to Economic Growth

Transforming jobs with AI: Google’s Approach to Economic Growth

Transforming jobs with AI: Google’s Approach to Economic Growth (Source: depositphotos)

According to research from ThinkThank Public First which is commissioned by Google, 31% of British jobs will be insulated from technology while 61% of the jobs will be radically transformed by AI

According to Google there are about two-thirds of British jobs that could be enhanced with AI. This will leave out a tiny proportion at risk of being “phased out” entirely.

Google also said that the worry should shift from job losses caused by AI to the need of making sure that millions of Britons who could have a way of working smarter and faster with AI. The AI tech could act as a catalyst and the support to use it and include it in. 

Debbie Weinstein, the managing director of google UK said that there are less than 50% of the population of people who include and are taking the advantage of the AI tools in their working life on a day to day basis. “The uptake of these tools is very low, and I think the only way we’re going to unlock the potential of what AI can do is actually by getting people to use them, and to feel confident and capable about them,” she added. 

According to research from ThinkThank Public First which is commissioned by Google, 31% of British jobs will be insulated from technology while 61% of the jobs will be radically transformed by AI. 

Public First said, the insulated jobs will belong to the social care, transport, accommodation and food services while on the other hand the varied physical and complex tasks were achievable and done only by human workers. 

According to an estimation by ThinkTank the adoption of AI would “phase out” only a few jobs. The bigger sectors like finance and insurance that are most affected are expected to lose out only 4% jobs in total while 83% jobs will be “enhanced”. 

Relying on the research, Google plans to partner with the Community union, the small-business network Enterprise Nation, and a pair of multi-academy trusts to make attempts to and plan the best way to introduce AI technology into the most typical workplaces to boost the worker’s abilities and capabilities rather than replacing them. 

According to Weinstein the tricky part of this plan and talking about this is the unpredictability of what is going to transpire. Their first step of the plan will be sitting down with the partners and understanding the scenario better. If artificial intelligence is to be implemented in education, for instance, what specific duties are they hoping to assign to administrators as opposed to teachers?

For school teachers, the support for using Gemini might come in several forms. This could range from simple emails with lesson planning ideas to formal classroom training or one-on-one coaching. Given the 1,200 participants, the training will be diverse, with each group consisting of approximately 100 people.

The Government is said to back the trail with the AI Minister, Feryal Clasrk MP and said that speeding the inclusion of AI technology in our economy will be the key to boost growth , delivering new opportunities for working people across the country and transforming public services. 

Just as essential is ensuring that we bring people along with us and build a workforce fit for the future by providing AI skills training that will enable careers to thrive and businesses prosper – this will assist us in doing so.

Alphabet, The parent company of Google reported surging revenues and profits along with $70 billion stock buyout. Its AI exploits this year came under fire after it mishandled the release of its Gemini AI image-generator tool, raising investor concerns about its investments in artificial intelligence goods.

However, it emphasized its AI initiatives at its annual developers’ conference in May. Among the AI-related features and tools it introduced was an attempt to redesign Google Search by widely distributing AI Overviews, which are brief bits of text that summarize articles and search results. AI Overviews have been heavily criticised, notably by publishers who claim it will diminish traffic to their own websites.

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